Collagen and Its Effects on Knee Pain

Collagen is a very valuable protein. It gives resistance and elasticity to skin, bones, muscles, cartilage and ligaments.

It is today the object of intense marketing: beauty creams, drinks, powders, food supplements. Obviously! Everyone would love to be crammed with collagen like kids with their soft cheeks, peach skin and supple joints.

Collagen, in particular, is vulnerable to the arrival of sugar. It also deteriorates a lot under the effect of AGEs (advanced glycation products). AGEs are toxic molecules in the “grilled” meat and fries, which we consume too much.
If our body produces collagen on its own, why should it be consumed as supplements?

Because as you get older, production decreases. By the age of thirty, our body produces about 1% less collagen every year. The first signs of lack of collagen are visible on the skin, with the appearance of wrinkles. And around age 45, we begin to feel physical effects, mainly in the joints. The collagen drop dries ligaments, tendons and cartilages, which creates inflammation and joint pain. This is actually the normal wear and tear of the joints commonly known as osteoarthritis.

Food Sources of Collagen

The non-greasy gelatinous portion of broths or meaty bottoms made with bones and cartilage, including paws and tail, is a form of naturally hydrolysed crude collagen. For example, the traditional veal stock is a good source.

Making your own broth offers lots of benefits. A homemade broth is cheap, easily prepared and soothes the house. In addition, it keeps a long time in the freezer. A convenience store at all times! And what about his taste. The homemade broth is enough to make jealous the preparations of the trade, with their additives with unpronounceable names. A little know-how is all you need to prepare a homemade broth.

The Bottom
The bottom is a classic preparation. It serves as a base for a good number of French sauces, such as velvety, Spanish sauce and demi-glace. A bottom is prepared from ingredients that simmer in water from 4 to 6 hours:
• bones (veal, beef) or poultry carcasses
• vegetables (celery, onions or leeks, carrots, tomato paste)
• herbs (laurel, thyme, parsley, pepper)

There are two types of funds: white veal or poultry (not really white, but a beautiful golden) and brown backgrounds of veal or beef. What is the difference? To make brown backgrounds, bones and vegetables are roasted in the oven before adding them to the water. This step gives the background a darker color and a more complex flavor. The bottom also takes the body through the extraction of collagen bones and cartilage. Collagen turns into gelatin. It is the gelatin that gives to the bottom of the body. It is also gelatin that makes a good bottom jelly once cooled.


Broth is prepared almost in the same way as a white background: pieces of meat or poultry, some vegetables and herbs, water. On the other hand, the broth cooks less (2 to 3 hours). Adding bones to the broth is not necessary. The broth will have less body than a bottom. It is the perfect cooking liquid for everyday cooking: soups, soups, pilafs, sauces, stews, etc.
To cook these amazing recipes The Instant Pot will be your best option, as it includes six cooking modes. And it has seven functions, including pressure cooking, slow cooking, cooking rice, steaming, stir frying, yoghurt making and warming.
There are several different models of the Instant Pot and some are available in different sizes. There is even Bluetooth capability. And so it works with a mobile application.

All of these features have their own buttons on the front of the Instant Pot. And there are also some other commands. This is certainly not a product that you can use if you are not familiar with pressure cookers.

On the one hand, there is a small button on the top that must be turned to the sealing position to increase the pressure. Turning it towards ventilation, the steam is released, so you will definitely want to put your hand in a suitably protective oven glove before trying.

There is also a “natural” ventilation option, which means that the Instant pressure cooker will release the steam itself, which can take up to 15 minutes. You’ll know it’s safe to open the lid when the small silver float valve next to the button is pressed.

By consuming collagen, we can prevent and relief knee pain?

Yes! Collagen helps regenerate tendons and cartilage and keep them healthy. As a result, the joints work better and the inflammation and pain diminish or even disappear.

Collagen is an essential component of tendons, ligaments and cartilage. A 2009 study showed a 40% decrease in osteoarthritis symptoms in people who took a type II collagen food supplement, a chicken neck extract.
An older study, dating from 1993, with the same collagen supplement, showed a reduction in symptoms in people with severe forms of osteoarthritis. Remarkably, four of the 60 participants in the study experienced total remission.